Family Advocacy Programs (FAP)

Regular Air Force: Active Duty

Benefit Fact Sheet

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The mission of the Department of the Air Force Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is to build healthy communities through implementing programs and policies designed for the prevention and treatment of domestic abuse, child abuse and neglect, and Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (PSB-CY). Air Force Medical Command (AFMED) Family Advocacy provides program and guidance development, training and resourcing for medical treatment facility (MTF) FAP staff, data collection and reporting activities, and program research and evaluation. AF FAP personnel provide a continuum of services designed to build community health and resilience and promote family, community, and mission readiness by reducing domestic abuse and child maltreatment.


Family Advocacy Program services are available to Active duty service members and family members that are eligible for care in a military treatment facility.

Benefit Highlights

Department of the Air Force Policy is to prevent spouse and child abuse, to protect those who are victims of abuse, to treat those affected by abuse, and to ensure personnel are professionally trained to intervene in abuse cases. Since many incidents of abuse constitute violations of the law, DA policy also recognizes a commander's authority to take disciplinary or administrative action in appropriate cases. The FAP will promote public awareness within the military community and coordinate professional intervention at all levels within the civilian and military communities, including law enforcement, social services, health services, and legal services. The FAP is designed to break the cycle of abuse by identifying abuse as early as possible and providing treatment for affected family members.

Family Advocacy programs available at Air Force installations may include:

New Parent Support Program (NPSP): The NPSP is a secondary prevention program that utilizes an intensive, voluntary on and off-installationbaby holding an adults thumb home visitation model to provide education and supportive services to expectant families and families with children from birth to three years of age.  The NPSP offers a variety ofprograms and services to support you including:

  • Home Visits
  • Playgroups
  • Parenting Classes
  • Other Installation Classes and Activities

Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA): The FAP DAVA provides 24-hour telephone and face-to-face non-clinical crisis response and support to adult victims of domestic abuse and intimate partner sexual assault.   All adult victims referred to the FAP will have access to immediate and ongoing FAP DAVA support services, including crisis intervention, safety planning, court or medical accompaniment, and information and referrals. Where no DAVA is assigned or available within the installation FAP, victims will be referred to DAVA services within the local, civilian community. DAVA’s will provide:

  • Crisis intervention and support
  • Safety assessment and planning
  • Information on reporting options
  • Coordination of emergency services; transportation, housing, food, etc.
  • Information on the Transitional Compensation (TC) Program for Abused Dependents
  • Assistance in obtaining military and civilian protective orders
  • Accompaniment through the medical, investigative and legal processes
  • Representation of victims' interests at Family Advocacy Case Review Committee meetings
  • Comprehensive information and referrals on relevant local military and civilian resources

Classes and Unit Briefings: Classes and Unit Briefings are available to you, your unit or family support group. Unit commanders are encouraged to contact their Family Advocacy Program Manager/Staff to schedule trainings that meet your specific need.

Topics May Include:

  • Command and Service Member Education
  • Community Awareness
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Couples Communication Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Prevention Programs and Services
  • New Parent Support Program
  • Parent Education
  • Domestic Violence Prevention
  • Victim Advocate Program
  • Relationship Support
  • Safety Education
  • Reporting Procedures
Additional Information

For more information, please visit the Family Advocacy Program's webpage on the Military OneSource: 

Air Force Family Advocacy Program Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy 24/7 Hotline Numbers:

TRICARE and MTF Eligibility:,and%20certain%20former%20spouses%20worldwide

Department of the Air Force Integrated Resilience:

New Parent Support Program:

Locate A New Parent Support Program:

Department of the Air Force Instruction 40-301:

DoD Instruction 6400.06, DoD Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Abuse Involving DoD Military and Certain Affiliated Personnel

In addition, contact information for Family Advocacy Program offices on Air Force installations may be located on the Resource Locator Library on MyAirForceBenefits:

Document Review Date: 16 July 2024